
The Gen Z Entertainment Issue 


Entertainment is ingrained in every area of Gen Zs lives, from their friendships to their activism to the products they consume.

This issue of ALMANAC is a deep dive into Zs’ unique approach to what they watch, game, and listen to. It explores how they party, make social connections, and find a sense of belonging. And it reveals how brands can best leverage aspects of play, absurdity, and nostalgia to connect with young consumers.

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Archrival ALMANAC is our deep dive into the consumer shifts pushing culture forward.


Ongoing quantitative and qualitative research is foundational to our understanding of young people, allowing us to track who they are today and anticipate where they’re headed next.


Through viral TikToks, tweet threads, industry reports, boots on the ground investigation — whatever it takes! — we stay tapped into the cultural conversations most relevant to young people.


Our national panel of Millennial and Gen Z respondents are culturally attuned, thoughtful, articulate and engaged. That’s because they’re handpicked by our in-house recruiters, field and influence teams.

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